
TechVertu > Cybersecurity

Cyber Security Skills & Tips for Web Developers

Cyber security skills for web developers

Website creation and maintenance are crucial for web developers. Because their websites handle sensitive information such as user data, financial transactions, and proprietary company details, they are often prime targets for cyber attacks. According to recent Verizon research, web application attacks account for 26% of all security breaches, making them the second most common type […]

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Data Backup and Recovery Strategies: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets

Digital vault guardian angel

Today’s digital world, with a massive flow of information, proves that no one can neglect their security, privacy, or the importance of data backup and recovery anymore. Data generated and stored by businesses, from the smallest to corporate giants, serve as their lifelines. They constitute your intellectual property vault, financial account, client information, and more.

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Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in Autonomous Driving Technology

Cybersecurity challenges in driving technology

The swift development of technology has resulted in a notable intersection between cybersecurity and autonomous driving technologies. This juncture offers both opportunities and threats. This article discusses the complicated aspects of securing autonomous driving vehicle technologies, such as adaptive cruise control. We will discuss the many hurdles identified in Tesla’s’ Autopilot recall. Integrating autonomous driving technologies with

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What is Cybersecurity, and Why is It Important?

Cybersecurity has become increasingly significant in our interconnected advanced world, where we depend heavily on PCs. As additional associations and people utilise digital foundations and online administrations, they become more powerless against network protection breaks. Understanding the significance of network safety and the devices accessible to protect ourselves, protect information, and maintain a solid online

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What Is a Phishing Attack in Cyber Security, and How Can You Prevent It?

Phishing attacks have become increasingly common in the digital age, posing a significant threat to individuals and businesses. Understanding these attacks and how they work is essential for safeguarding your personal and organisational data. This blog will delve into phishing attacks’ definition, their types, and effective measures to prevent them. What is a phishing attack?

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Cyber Essentials Certification

As a licensed Certification Body, we can help you implement and achieve the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials PLUS certifications. ‍ What are Cyber Essentials? The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) administers Cyber Essentials – an affordable certification scheme that helps defend your organisation against the most common cyber-attacks and threats. Certification and Cyber Essentials

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